The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) considers Sustainability to fall under the topic of development. Members accepted the OECD strategy under “Green Development” in 2009. In this context, the organization aims to implement economic development without causing harm to the environment, biodiversity, or natural resources. Considering the environmental, social, economic, and governance effects, OECD set out basic indicators for sustainable production and implemented the OECD Action Plan under the “Better Policies for 2030” to support sustainable development.

Helpful links:
Sustainable Development Goals
Green Growth
Better Policies
The European Federation for Financial Analysts Societies (EFFAS) is a professional network of national associations for financial analysts in Europe. The EFFAS and the German Financial Analysis and Asset Management Association (DVFA) have prepared a guide for integrating environmental and social factors into financial reporting systems. The guide established the performance indicators for environmental, corporate and social governance.

Helpful links:
KPIs for ESG
The International Integrated Reporting Council is a global institution established by companies, standards institutions, investors, and NGOs. The Council’s main goal is to increase the quality of capital distribution information, help all financial factors integrate into corporate reporting, and strengthen accountability and governability in capital distribution. It provides guidance on integrated reporting to companies across the world.

Helpful links:
Integrated Reporting
Sustainable Accounting Standards Board (SASB) is an independent institution established to help companies quoted in the U.S. capital markets to develop a sustainable accounting system for consistent, comparable, and trustworthy sustainability statements. It is the most important financial information source for investors and companies.

Helpful links:
SASB Standards
Presidency of Strategy and Budget coordinates the national efforts in sustainability and development. The Presidency prepared a report, evaluating the progress in achieving the UN’s 17 SDGs. 

Helpful links:
SDG’s of Türkiye
Coordinated by the Ministry of Trade, the “Green Deal Action Plan” with a focus on sustainability was set out with the participation of relevant institutions. The plan is based on the EU’s Green Deal. The Green Deal Action Plan supports transitioning Turkey into a sustainable and resource-efficient economy in the face of changes and transformation in international trade and economy in accordance with the sustainable development goals.

Helpful links:
Green Action Plan
Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change is responsible for SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production, and SDG 13: Climate Action. The “Presidency of Climate Change” has been established under the Ministry with a new legal regulation. Additionally, the “Climate Change and Air Management Coordination Board” has been formed with the participation of numerous agencies and organizations. The Ministry also coordinates “Technical Assistance for Assessment of Türkiye's Potential on Transition to Circular Economy (DEEP)” project.

Helpful links:
Deep project
The Turkish Exporters’ Assembly (TİM) prepared the Sustainability Action Plan to guide exporters in line with climate change, sustainability, and the European Green Deal. It also supports action plans on a per industry basis.

Helpful links:
TIM Sustainability Action Plan
The Turkish Statistical Institute (TURKSTAT) continues to coordinate efforts on data creation, data verification, and data availability research requests for the relevant Turkish institutions in line with the UN’s sustainability indicators, and develops interinstitutional technical cooperation opportunities to establish global sustainability indicators.

Helpful links: 
Sustainable Development Indicators
Borsa Istanbul (BIST) published the Sustainability Guide for Companies in 2014 to raise awareness of the environment, social responsibility, and corporate governance in listed companies. The exchange has been calculating the Sustainability Index since 2014 and calculating the Sustainability Participation Index since 2021 to establish sustainability indices and improve its products.

Helpful links:
Sustainability in Borsa İstanbul
Sustainability Indices
The Capital Markets Board’s “Sustainability Principles Compliance Framework” lays out the basic principles expected to be announced on the environmental, social, and governance efforts of public companies set out in the relevant legislation. Although the adoption of these principles is optional, the companies are required to disclose if they adopt them under the “adopt or disclose” principle.

Helpful links: 
Sustainable Finance